With our comprehensive and time-tested 12-step process, we deliver exceptional service and a seamless design experience throughout your entire project. The end result is not only a beautiful and functional space, but an authentic representation of who you are and how you live.

You can rest easy knowing that whatever is keeping you up at night is already in our project management software with an assignee and a due date.


phase 1: programming

1. Inquiry

You reach out via email or through our website, or we are introduced as a referral from a mutual contact. We schedule a complimentary discovery call.

2. Discovery Call

During our discovery call, we learn more about your project and you learn more about how we work. We decide if we want to move forward, and if so, we schedule an in-person consultation at your home or project site. Prior to our meeting, we’ll send you instructions on how to prepare so you get the most out of our time together.

3. Consultation

During this meeting, we dive deeper into your wants and needs for your space, your lifestyle and preferences, and logistics like budget and timeline. We review what you have prepared for the meeting to ensure we understand your vision, and we walk through the space together in order to develop your scope of work.

4. Concept Presentation

We create a concept presentation based on your consultation meeting. This will include your complete scope of work along with our recommendations for each item, a mood board to capture the vision of the space or spaces, and information on how to move on the next step including our fee for the design phase.


phase 2: design    

5. Trade Day

During this intensive on-site meeting, we will collect all the information we will need to complete your project. This will include a site measure of your space, an inventory of any items you plan to reuse, and meetings with the contractor and trades in order to obtain quotes.

6. Design Presentation

Next we begin sourcing options for each item on the scope of work. We prepare a digital presentation and collect physical samples of all finishes, textiles, and hardware. We also prepare drawings of any proposed changes to your home. We meet again to review the presentation and make a note of any revisions you would like to make.

7. Documentation & Ordering

Once all decisions have been made, we finalize the drawing set to be issued to the contractor and place orders for trade labour and physical goods. This is a meticulous, behind-the-scenes process but rest assured that much is happening at this point to bring your project to life.



phase 3. implementation

8. Construction

We work closely with your contractor to ensure your construction or renovation goes as smoothly and quickly as possible. We stay in close contact with you by providing a weekly email update on all aspects of your project. We are also tracking and receiving your orders during this period.

9. Installation

Once the dust has settled, we prepare for the final installation. We coordinate the handoff with your contractor and schedule any final trades that are needed to complete the project. We also schedule the delivery and installation of all your orders and prepare your home for the big reveal!

10. Resolutions

If there are any outstanding deficiencies, we will resolve them as quickly as possible. With larger projects, it’s not uncommon for problems to arise with one or two items, and we are prepared to deal with them so you don’t have to.

11. Project Hand Off

When everything is finalized with your construction project and your order deliveries, we meet one more time to discuss how to operate and maintain your new home. This could include everything from how to operate your new appliances to how to clean the fabric on your sofa. We’ll include any warranty information that you may need at a later date.

12. Closure

This last step allows us to wrap up any loose ends and conduct a photoshoot of your project with your approval. Any additional questions or requests will be addressed as well before we close out your project.

WE Create

HOMES          LOOK
HOW you want     FEEL.



WE Create

HOMES          LOOK HOW you want





Something Beautiful

You're likely here because you're ready to make your home look, and more importantly, feel better. 
Because how we feel in our own home truly affects our well-being and all aspects of our life. Let's get started.


Design by Tonic

